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New article about financial participation in wind energy development

Together with Hartmut Fünfgeld, Sarah Olbrich published an article about

“Energy justice in wind energy development –Strengthening local acceptance through financial participation?”

Onshore wind energy development is often delayed or even prevented by local resistance. Against this backdrop, the authors discuss financial participation as a measure to promote local acceptance by positively influencing the perceived experience of justice. Building on the concept of energy justice, this paper investigates the extent to which different forms of financial participation are suitable for better distributing costs and benefits, creating opportunities for participation, and examining who can participate financially. In addition to a comprehensive literature review, interviews were conducted with wind turbine planners and operators. These show that stakeholders engage in financial participation to different degrees across different projects and that the preferred form of participation varies from one region to another. Moreover, no model of financial participation appears to be suited to address all dimensions of energy justice, as all models are characterised by certain advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the availability of financial participation options alone is unlikely to increase local acceptance. Such options can, however, be effective when combined with other measures to increase acceptance.


Student Assistant wanted!

The Chair for Sustainability and Transitions Research is looking for a student assistant. More information here. If you are interested, please send your application to:

New Paper about evaluating decentralised energy markets


Together with colleagues from the Öko-Institut, Dierk Bauknecht published a paper in Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy on “Model-Based Evaluation of Decentralised Electricity Markets at Different Phases of the German Energy Transition” DOI: 10.5547/2160-5890.11.1.drit

This paper investigates decentralised markets in the German electricity system, defined as markets in specific regions in which regional electricity demand is met primarily by regional generation and the remaining demand is met on a system-wide level in a second step. The research question is: What impact do the size of decentralised markets and the type of authorised participants have in different phases of the energy transition? We conclude that from a system perspective decentralised markets can lead to negative effects if they are not regulated appropriately, especially during the  transformation phase of the electricity system.

Participation at the IST conference 2022

The Chair of Sustainability and Transitions Research is represented with two full paper contributions at the conference "International Sustainability Transitions" (IST): "Energy sector integration: Delineating the policy mix for the case of Germany" and "Decentralized energy futures II: pathways and lock-ins towards emerging new logics of energy-system organization".

This year's conference is themed "Sustainability Transitions in a Global Context". Further information on the conference and registration can be found here.

PhD Scholarship: Strategies for energy system transformation

The Chair of Sustainability and Transformation Research analyses transformation processes and strategies, especially towards a sustainable energy system, at the interface between academic and applied transformation research.

We invite applications for a 3-year PhD scholarship, with an evaluation after 1 year, 1300 Euros per month plus child allowance

Start date: as soon as possible

The following paper provides an overview of the work within which the PhD will be located:


  • University degree in social sciences, economics or other energy related degrees, with above-average grades
  • Knowledge of energy systems and energy policy
  • Knowledge of transformation research
  • Knowledge of mixed methods and practical experience with empirical research work are an asset, but no requirement
  • Very good knowledge of written and spoken English

Application documents

  • Letter of motivation (one page): Please sketch out how you would like to contribute to the research described in the above paper and state with which research methods you are familiar with.
  • Curriculum vitae with presentation of previous academic work and supporting evidence for the above requirements
  • Copies of certificates

For this scholarship, we are particularly pleased to receive applications from women. 

Please send your application in electronic form to:

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources
Prof. Dr. Dierk Bauknecht

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Dierk Bauknecht.