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Forschung & Lehre

Eine wichtige Aufgabe der Professur besteht darin, das transdisziplinäre Wissen der angewandten Nachhaltigkeits- und Transformationsforschung in die universitäre Lehre einzubringen. Hierfür werden die Module „Regulierung und Bewertung der systemischen Aspekte der Energiewende“ und "Introduction to Sustainability Transitions" angeboten.

Mögliche Themen für Abschlussarbeiten sind:

  1. PV on apartment buildings: Barriers and regulatory options
  2. Analysis of Renewable potential with GIS
  3. Renewables from niche to mainstream: How to adapt financing mechanisms for renewables?

  4. How can socio-technical transition dynamics be integrated into techno-economic modelling?

  5. Renewables Non-economic barriers (permitting etc.)

  6. Heat pumps (how to use them, coordination with energy system, regulation)
  7. Development/Regulation of hydrogen infrastructure, transformation of the gas infrastructure
  8. Electricity network regulation and network innovation/transformation
  9. The pros and cons of developing local hydrogen projects, like for example in Dietenbach/Freiburg
  10. Regulatory Experiments: Case studies, design options
  11. Real-world laboratories
  12. The role of independent regulators in sustainability transitions
  13. Sustainability transitions: Strategies for system building (see this paper for details)
  14. Sustainability transitions: Comparing/Mapping different concepts and approaches (socio-technical, socio-ecological concepts etc.)
  15. The role of economic efficiency in sustainability transitions
  16. Right-wing movements and sustainability transformations

  17. Academic and applied transformation research: Differences, common ground and options for co-production.